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Fall 2017

We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak - Epictetus

A message from Sue & Alex

Happy Fall!

As the days grow shorter and cooler it feels natural to take time to quiet ourselves and reflect on life.

We love this quote as it reminds us of the importance of not only listening, but of the power of our words. Once we have spoken, words cannot be taken back. We like to ask ourselves these 3 questions before speaking:

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

It’s amazing how enriching listening can be in our lives. It is one of the best sources of learning and relationship building.

We encourage you to notice if you are speaking out of nervousness, habit or discomfort. Most of us do more than we think. Then take time to listen and see how it makes you feel and what you learn about yourself and others.

Sending big healthy happy hugs,
– Sue & Alex

Kaquen Water

To Try

Kaqun Water

I’m obsessed with this miracle water which has been shown to strengthen the immune system and accelerate regeneration.

Herb Bouquet Garni

To Eat

Herb Bouquet Garni

Parsley, bay, rosemary, thyme, marjoram; wonderful for cool season menus braising soups and stews!

Local Farmers Markets

To Go

Local Farmers Markets

For the above ingredients and Halloween pumpkins!

News & Notes

Cryo is Coming!

A woman smiling in the sauna

The Ranch Malibu will help you chill out even more during your week with us when we introduce a whole body cryotherapy sauna as an elective service during afternoon programming. As one of the most cutting edge tools to improve performance and recovery in elite athletes, this revolutionary cold treatment uses extremely low temperatures to quickly restore and refresh the body.

The unique benefits of cyrotherapy, including easing soreness, supporting recovery, enhancing sleep, burning fat and revving the metabolism, are the perfect complement to the long days of hiking and pushing one’s body to the limit for which our program is known. Those who choose to participate will maximize their results!

Launching before the end of the year, please stay tuned for further details!

Get a Group!

Looking for a new way to travel with friends, family or colleagues? Buyout The Ranch 4.0 at Four Seasons Westlake Village for 1-3 nights during the week or as an immersive 3 to 4 night weekend experience for a group getaway that delivers results.

This one-of-a-kind retreat can be customized to meet the needs of your unique group and offers a memorable, rewarding and turnkey experience for corporate and private groups. The physical nature of our program, combined with the support of a dedicated staff naturally lends itself to promoting a positive environment centered on the encouragement of others.

At The Ranch 4.0 there are endless possibilities for groups of varying sizes from 10 up to 250. Corporate groups also have access to multiple meeting room options and the capabilities of a full-service hotel, while receiving the health benefits of our unique wellness program.

For a longer, more immersive experience, our Malibu location offers a secluded setting and accommodates up to 18 guests.

Visit or contact Jason Denby at [email protected] to learn more!

Staff Chat

Angela Lara

Angela Lara
Program Manager, The Ranch 4.0

A lifelong swimmer, certified fire fighter and master motivator, Angela Lara leads our 4.0 program each week. Inspiring guests with her positive attitude and knowledge of health and fitness, Angela makes sure everyone is taken care of while at 4.0. Read on for a look at everything from the most asked question she gets from guests to her personal mantra.

What are you grateful for?
A very blessed life, and that we get a new start everyday.
Best/Funniest thing a guest has said to you?
“I don’t do well with people yelling in my face, so I hope this isn’t that type of program”
Most asked question?
Why no coffee/caffeine?
First thing you do when you wake up?
Eat. I’m always hungry!
Favorite Ranch Meal?
Anything Meredith makes.
Go-to snack?
Go-to workout?
I love hiking and being outdoors, but when I need a quick, effective workout I will do a HIIT circuit.
Favorite indulgence?
Ice cream, ice cream or ice cream.
Your favorite hike/place to walk in Los Angeles?
Zuma Ridge Trail
Do you have a personal mantra or favorite quote?
Pray more. Worry less.
Last book you read?
The Wedding (sequel to The Notebook)

From The Garden

A variety of vegetables from the garden

Fall’s Bounty from The Ranch Malibu Master Gardener Geri Miller

Just because the temperature is dipping, doesn’t mean you need to abandon your garden. Let The Ranch Malibu Master Gardener Geri Miller help you transition your harvest into crops that thrive during the cooler season and enjoy the fruits – or vegetables – of your labor until the end of the year.

What temperatures are optimal for cool season crops?
As the phrase implies, cool-season crops grow best in lower temperatures than warm-season crops. Optimum temperatures for cool season crops range from 70/75° (21°- 23.8°C) highs to 40/45° (4°- 7.2°C) lows and soil temperatures between 40/45° (4°-7.2°C) during the growing season.
What makes these types of plants different?
Cool-season crops tend to have shallower root systems, remaining in the part of the soil that remains warmest the longest. They also need to be watered and fertilized less often as the lower temperatures lead to slower moisture evaporation and growth. Warm-season crops are typically fruits while cool-season crops are root crops and salad greens generally.
What are some examples?

We can break down the category of cool season crops further into two sub-categories:

  • Cold Hardy – tolerates minimum temperature of 40°F (4°C) and short sub-freezing conditions.

    Some of these veggies are: asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, chives, collards, garlic, horseradish, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, mustard, onions, parsley, peas, radishes, rhubarb, rutabaga, spinach, turnips.

  • Semi Hardy – tolerates minimum temperature of 40/45° (4°-7.2°C) and just a few hours of sub-freezing conditions.

    Some of these veggies are: beets, carrots, cauliflower, celery, celeriac, chard, Chinese cabbage, chicory, globe artichokes, endive, lettuce, parsnips, potatoes, salsify, sorrel and hardy herbs like dill, oregano, rosemary, sage, savory, tarragon, thyme.

Best Ways to Prepare for the New Season?
  1. Change your gear

    No matter which side of the country or hemisphere you live in, this time of year is a transition from one season to another so prepare your gear for the change.

    • Make sure boots, hats, gloves, aprons and tools are all clean and in good shape and weather-appropriate for the next season.
    • Clean off, lubricate and sharpen all your tools.
  2. Have a transition plan for tender plants

    Prepare to protect or move certain plants in from the cold

    • If you have any citrus growing in pots and you live in a cold winter area, move them into a protective spot for the winter – like a greenhouse or garage.
    • Grow your staple herbs in pots on your kitchen counter during the winter using grow lights if necessary.
  3. Incorporate the best of your seasonal garden into your home.

    Look for interesting sculptural elements in your fall/winter garden that would be a beautiful touch to your table, entry way or any room. Think branches, seed pods, leaves, or sprigs of pine.

Go The Distance

Whether you are training for a marathon or just looking to take your regular runs up a notch, Fall is the perfect season to get outside and work towards a specific goal. Your time in nature will not only benefit your mind, but the cooler air makes running for longer distances safer than it might be in the Summer. Here ultra marathon runner and Senior Program Guide Zac Barbiasz, from The Ranch Malibu offers his best tips for taking on a new running challenge so you can hit that 26.2 or improve upon your current mileage.

If you are 100% new to running it is wise to begin your training a few months out to avoid agonizing pain and to leave time to nurse training injuries. If you are already running consistently, say 10-20 miles a week, well, then you are well on your way and it is just time to up the mileage.

1) Begin your training a 2-3 months out.

This will allow for weeks of less mileage, rather than feeling forced to get your miles in, which may take away from the fun of running. It is all about having fun. It is part of the runners high.

2) In the first few weeks of your training, shoot for 3-4 runs a week.

Don’t be too hard on yourself, a good attitude is the biggest prerequisite a runner can have.

  • Let these runs build up, increasing the mileage the following weeks, but not overdoing it.
  • For example: Week 1 may look like this-> Monday, shoot for 5k, Wednesday 10k, Friday 5k, Saturday 12K.

3) Begin upping the mileage the following weeks, but never overdo it.

  • Eventually the mileage should add up so that your big run of the week, say Saturday, is approaching the twenty mile zone. It is not necessary to run the full 26.2 during your training. You always have more miles in you than you think!
  • Listen to your body. If you have a sore muscle or tendon, take note and walk for a few miles instead.
A runner on a trail

4) Take the recovery/pre-run as seriously as the running.

Input is more important than the output!

  • Buy a foam roller to roll out your muscles, and support your posture as you are training. Lay on a 36 inch foam roller, tail bone on the bottom end of the roller, head on the top end of the roller, feet extended, arms out. This allows our limbs to fall away and safely align.
  • Leg drains are a great way to remove the inflammation and lactic acid from you legs after your runs. Sit on the floor, bum on the ground, back flat, with legs extended vertically against a wall. Shoot for ten minutes.
  • Begin each run walking for at least a half mile. This will allow you to break up the lingering debris and it will also give you a chance to do some self-auditing – recognize where you have pain, how you are breathing, how you are feeling.
  • Do some active stretching beforehand and on off days. Leg kicks, side-to-side, front and back, arm rolls front and back, neck rolls both directions. Avoid static stretching unless you are well warmed up.

5) Use the days off to really relax.

  • Get off your feet as much as possible and relax and foam roll.
  • Eat healthy! These are not “cheat” days, so don’t pile on the junk food while resting the muscles. Think lots of vegetables, fruits, legumes, and WATER. Eat the rainbow and drink only (or nearly, only water). You should be drinking half of your body-weight in ounces per day. If you are exercising a lot, which you will be during marathon training, then this will go up. It will hydrate your body, mind, all the organs, literally everything.

6) Practice self-care

This is the fun part of training for a run. We have excuses to excessively pamper ourselves.

  • See a chiropractor, our alignment gets thrown off easier than we expect it to which can lead to injuries.
  • Get massages
  • Sweat it out in sauna
  • Hit the cryotherapy sauna or ice tank
  • Sleep! Your body needs time to recover. Try to get 8 hours when you can.

The Ranch Malibu is Nominated!

Conde Nast Traveler Treaders' Choice Awards 2024 Vote Now! Badge

We are delighted to share that The Ranch Malibu has been nominated in Conde Nast Traveler's Annual Readers' Choice Awards and we would be grateful if you could support our team with a vote. You can find us at the link below, simply type in The Ranch Malibu.

Taste of the Ranch

Chef Ian’s Gluten-Free Brown Rice Fettuccini with Butternut Squash Cashew Alfredo Sauce


Chef Ian’s Gluten-Free Brown Rice Fettuccini with Butternut Squash Cashew Alfredo Sauce

Serves 4


Butternut Squash Alfredo Sauce
Makes 1 quart
1 onion, small diced
2 cloves of garlic, minced
1 cup cashews
2 cups vegetable stock
¼ cup nutritional yeast
pinch or green peppercorns
pinch of herbs de provence
salt and pepper to taste
1 Butternut squash
One box of Gluten-Free Brown Rice Fettuccini


Roast the Squash:
1. Halve one butternut squash. Place on a lined oven sheet pan, either using parchment paper or a silicon mat, making sure to place the squash skin up. Roast for approximately 1 hour at 300 F until soft. Once softened and cooled, scoop out the inside of the squash and put aside.

Prepare the Sauce:
2. Add a high heat oil to a medium or large sauté pan, on high heat. Add the small diced onion and minced garlic with a pinch a salt, stirring occasionally, until they are translucent and sweet.

3. Add the sautéed onions and garlic (once cooled), 2 cups of vegetable stock, 1/4 cup nutritional yeast, a pinch of the green peppercorns to taste, a pinch of herbs de provence to taste, and a pinch of salt and pepper to taste to a blending vessel and blend on high until smooth.

4. Next, add the cashews to alfredo sauce, adding ½ cup at a time to the blending vessel. Blend until smooth.

5. Add one cup of the cooked and softened butternut squash to the blending vessel and blend. Depending on how sweet the squash is, add a ½ cup at a time to taste until a balanced sauce is achieved.

Prepare the Pasta:
6. Meanwhile boil 8 cups of water and add one box of brown rice gluten free fettuccini. Simmer gently for 10-12 minutes, or until al dente as some pastas can cook quickly. Strain and rinse under cool water once done.

Heat the Sauce:
7. While the pasta is cooking, pour the sauce into the pan. Bring the sauce to a simmer then remove from the heat.

8. Add pasta to the warmed sauce to any desired amount and serve.

Chef Meredith’s Wild Rice Stuffed Delicata Squash


Chef Meredith’s Wild Rice Stuffed Delicata Squash

Serves 4


For the Wild Rice & Cranberry Stuffing:
2 cups vegetable stock or water
3/4 cup uncooked wild rice
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 medium onion, diced
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
1 garlic clove, minced
8 ounces crimini mushrooms, sliced
1/4 cup dried cranberries or cherries
1-2 cups baby spinach (or chopped Swiss chard or kale)
Salt and pepper to taste


For the Roasted Squash:
2 medium delicata squashes
1 tablespoon olive oil

Make the Stuffing:
1. Place the stock or water into a medium saucepan and place it over high heat. Bring to a boil, then stir in the wild rice, and lower heat. Cover and simmer over low heat until the rice is tender, about 40 minutes. Drain any excess liquid.

2. Coat the bottom of a large sauté pan with olive oil and place it over medium-low heat. Add the onion and thyme to the pan and cook, stirring occasionally, until the onion softens. Add the sliced mushrooms and continue to cook until the onion just begins to caramelize, about 15 minutes. Add the garlic and cook 1 minute more. Add the wild rice, cranberries and spinach to the skillet and raise the heat to medium-high. Cook 1-2 minutes, just until the mixture is heated through and the greens have wilted. Remove from heat and season with salt and pepper to taste.

Roast the Delicata Squash:
3. While the rice cooks, preheat the oven to 400°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

4. Using a sharp knife, trim the ends from each squash, then carefully slice them in half lengthwise. Scoop out the seeds using a spoon. Rub lightly with olive oil and place each half, cut side down, on the prepared baking sheet. Bake until tender, about 30-35 minutes.

5. Stuff each squash half with wild rice stuffing. If needed, heat through in the oven for 10 minutes. Serve.

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A view from above the fog

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